Bury My Body

Bury my body
Lord, I don’t care where they…
Bury my body
Lord, I don’t care where they…
Bury my body
Cause my soul is gonna live
With God, oh, oh, oh yeah
Bury my body
Lord, I don’t care where they…
Bury my body
Lord, I don’t care where they…
Bury my body
Cause my soul is gonna live
With God, oh, oh, oh yeah
Lead me Jesus, lead me
Why don’t you lead me in the middle of the air
And if my wings should fail me
Won’t you provide me with another pair
Please God I don’t care where they…
Bury my body
Lord, I don’t care where they…
Bury my body
Cause my soul is gonna live
With God, oh, oh, oh yeah
I said alright
You know it’s alright
It’s alright, c’mon…
Bury my body
Lord, I don’t care where they…
Bury my body
Lord, I don’t care where they…
Bury my body
Cause my soul is gonna live
With God, oh, oh, oh yeah
Lead me Jesus, lead me
Why don’t you lead me in the middle of the air
And if my wings should fail me
Won’t you provide me with another pair
Please God I don’t care where they…
Bury my body
Lord, I don’t care where they…
Bury my body
Cause my soul is gonna live
With God
I said hey, baby,
My soul, my soul, my soul
Is gonna live, live with God
My soul, my soul, my soul, my soul
Is gonna live, live with God

Kooper Sessions

Al Kooper introduces Shuggie Otis

CS 9951 Columbia

Side One: Bury my Body; Double or Nothing; One Room Country Shack; Looking for a Home

Side Two: Slow Goonbash Blues; Shuggie’s Old Time; Shuggie’s Shuffle

Kooper Session is the second-in-line of the Super Session albums featuring singer-songwriter Al Kooper. Joining Kooper in the guitar slot is 15-year-old phenomenon Shuggie Otis, son of legendary rhythm and blues pioneer Johnny Otis.

Divided into two halves, “The Songs” (a quartet of arranged gospel and rhythm and blues tracks) and “The Blues” (a trio of improvised blues tracks), the album, like Super Session before it, was quickly recorded and featured short, succinct tracks (“Double or Nothing”, “One Room Country Shack”) and fluid, drawn out jams highlighting the talents of the artists (“12:15 Slow Goonbash Blues”, “Bury My Body”).

From Kooper Session, Al Kooper belts it out on piano and vocals with 15-yr. old Shuggie Otis on guitar. Shuggie’s the son of the legendary rhythm & blues pioneer, Johnny Otis. Recorded in 1969 and released the following year.








65 Responses to “Bury My Body”

  1. blessedistruth Says:

    Karzai defends Afghan fraud claim


    Afghan President Hamid Karzai has defended an extraordinary outburst he made against the West about fraud in his country’s presidential election.

    Mr Karzai told the BBC he still believed the US and others played a role in perpetrating the fraud.

    His tirade caused dismay in many capitals, including Washington, where the White House called it “troubling”.

    But Mr Karzai denied his comments last Thursday had dented his relationship with his key allies.

    “What I said about the election was all true,” he said in his first public remarks since the comments. “It does not reduce from our partnership; it adds to it.”

    He said his warning to the West that it could be seen as an invader if it did not change its behaviour was a message to allies that their relationship had to be a partnership between sovereign nations.

    Awkward visit?

    Speaking to the BBC during a visit to the southern city of Kandahar, Mr Karzai said Nato countries were rich and strong, while Afghanistan was poor but with a powerful identity and history.

    He had been visiting Kandahar with the commander of Nato-led forces, General Stanley McChrystal.

    I asked the general if the timing of their visit was awkward. He replied it would have been more awkward if the president had not invited him to come.

    He said it emphasised the need for a partnership.

    “I don’t ignore what is written or said, but I try to focus on my lane, as a military commander,” he said.

    The general’s comments underline that no matter how troubling the president’s comments are, his allies know they still need to find ways to work with him.

    Too much is at stake – the president and the general were in Kandahar in the midst of preparations for the next major military offensive in the south against the Taliban

    It is a very sensitive campaign in a very strategic area.

    General McChrystal said if it succeeded, it had the potential to send a huge signal to Afghans across the country.

    (There must be a way to shut this guy up.)

  2. blessedistruth Says:

    “If you and the international community pressure me more, I swear that I am going to join the Taliban.”

    Hamid Karzai

  3. blessedistruth Says:


    The comments come just two days after making similar statements on Thursday, when he said the Taliban would become the legitimate resistance if the international community continues to interfere in Afghanistan’s internal politics.

    Allissa Rubin’s new analysis at The New York Times neatly sums up the quandary facing the West in trying to wage a counterinsurgency with Karzai at the helm of the Afghan government.

    Peter Galbraith’s quote is sure to raise some eyebrows.

    “There is no point in having troops in a mission that cannot be accomplished,” said Peter W. Galbraith, former United Nations deputy special representative for Afghanistan, who was dismissed over what his superiors called Mr. Galbraith’s advocacy of Mr. Karzai’s removal — an allegation Mr. Galbraith has denied.

    “The mission might be important, but if it can’t be achieved, there is no point in sending these troops into battle.

    Part of the problem is that counterinsurgency requires a credible local partner.”

    (Please, let’s not abandon Afghani women and girls because of this asshole!)

  4. blessedistruth Says:

    ANALYSIS-U.S. faces domestic fallout from Karzai outburst



    What is embarrassing for Washington is the timing of Karzai’s comments, less than a week after Obama made his first trip to Afghanistan since he took office in January 2009.

    Obama pressed Karzai to follow through on promises after last year’s fraud-plagued election to tackle corruption and govern in a way that helped rather than hindered the U.S. counter-insurgency strategy.

    David Obey, who chairs the powerful House of Representatives committee that appropriates money for the war, echoed some of the doubts in Congress.

    “Mr. Karzai’s performance demonstrates why I have raised the question of whether or not, in the government of Afghanistan, we have a tool that is in any way reliable in implementing our policies in that region,” Obey said.

    Representative Ike Skelton urged Karzai to retract or clarify his statements but suggested Americans should not overreact.

    “I do not think that we should allow some intemperate remarks clearly designed for domestic political purposes to undermine what I continue to believe is the best strategy to protect American security,” Skelton said.

    Senator Russ Feingold, an outspoken proponent of a timetable to bring U.S. troops home, said even before Karzai’s recent comments that the Obama administration’s strategy depended upon a “less-than-reliable partner.”

    “Rather than pursuing a large-scale, open-ended military strategy in Afghanistan, we should focus on achievable counterterrorism goals,” said Feingold.

    (Surely we must have some dirt on this dirtbag.)

  5. blessedistruth Says:

    “What I said about the election was all true, I won’t repeat it, but it was all true,” … “That the US carried out the fraud?”

    Hamid Karzai

  6. blessedistruth Says:

    U.S. to Afghan Leader: Watch What You Say

    State Department Calls Karzai’s Suggestion that he Might Join the Taliban a ‘Head-Scratcher’


    The rhetorical divide between the United States and Afghan President Hamid Karzai showed no signs of abating today: Karzai has spoken out against the U.S. and NATO presence in his country twice in the past week and now the United States is suggesting he watch what he say.

    “What he says does have an impact back here in the United States and he should choose his words carefully,” State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley warned today.

    In the latest incident on Saturday, during a closed-door meeting with members of the Afghan parliament, Karzai suggested he might join the Taliban, according to members of parliament who were in the meeting.

    “If I am not able to get these things [change the electoral law] and I can’t uphold the sovereignty of this country, this will be turning into an occupation. We have to fight an occupation, and one has to join them,” one lawmaker quoted Karzai as saying, according to ABC News’ Nicholas Schifrin.

    Today Crowley called Karzai’s suggestion that me might join the Taliban a “head-scratcher.”

    White House spokesman Robert Gibbs called the remarks “troubling” and said, “on behalf of the American people, we’re frustrated with the remarks.”

  7. blessedistruth Says:

    Karzai Threatened to Quit Politics: Lawmakers


    Several members of the Afghan Parliament say Afghan President Hamid Karzai threatened to quit politics and join the Taliban over the weekend.

    Lawmakers say Karzai told them during a closed-door meeting Saturday “if I come under foreign pressure, I might join the Taliban.”

    Karzai threatened to quit politics if he continued to come under outside pressure to reform.

    Karzai also demanded to know why the Afghan Parliament rejected legal reforms that would have strengthened the president’s authority over the country’s electoral institutions.

    White House spokesman Robert Gibbs says reports Karzai threatened to quit politics and join the Taliban if he continued to receive pressure from the Western backers to reform his government are troubling.

    (Troubling?! Quit, Karzai, Quit! You’re of no earthly good to anyone, least of all yourself.)

  8. blessedistruth Says:

    While the United States tried to assess how serious its erstwhile ally in Afghanistan was about joining the group America is sworn to defeat, it was dealing with a sophisticated attack on its consulate in Peshawar — a critical CIA outpost dating to the Afghan-Soviet war of the 1980s.

  9. sisterrosetta Says:

    Afghan President Hamid Karzai has telephoned Washington to allay concerns about a speech in which he criticized Western involvement in his country and even warned that he might join forces with the Taliban. Last week Karzai accused the UN and members of the US-led coalition of trying to unseat him and tamper with the results of the recent parliamentary elections. Meanwhile, Assistant Secretary of State Philip Crowley told reporters in Washington that in his telephone linkup with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Mr. Karzai had complained about media “misinterpreting” the true meaning of what he had said.      

  10. sisterrosetta Says:

    U.S. officials worry that Karzai’s anti-Western rhetoric could erode public support for the war back home.

  11. sisterrosetta Says:


    NATO warns karzai

  12. sisterrosetta Says:

    NATO has warned Afghan President Hamid Karzai against undermining public support for the alliance’s efforts in Afghanistan. NATO spokesman James Appathurai said today the international community and NATO are making “enormous efforts and sacrifices” to support the Afghan people against terrorism. “We hope and expect that this is recognized by the Afghan people, including at the highest levels,” he added.The statement comes following Karzai’s recent remarks to Afghan lawmakers that the United States was interfering in Afghan affairs, and that the Taliban would become a legitimate resistance movement if Washington continued to do so. Karzai has also drawn criticism after he accused foreign powers of meddling in last year’s fraud-marred presidential election.

  13. sisterrosetta Says:

    This is a tough time, but the message has to be clear: Either the Afghan government must appreciate the muscle we bring to their fight and let use it, or maybe we should go home. I know, I know…if we bail out, we’ll leave the field in a very tenuous state and heaven knows the Taliban crowd would start dancing in the streets even before the dust settled. But for my money there is almost nothing more dangerous than being “halfway” in a fight; and right now that is where our partner is putting us. Just a thought.

    Found on a blog

  14. blessedistruth Says:

    After injury, Brian Zoubek’s return to starting lineup paves way for Duke championship


    (Zoubek’s mother is my husband’s boss. So I was torn last night. Rooting for the underdog but happy for the Zoubek family.)

  15. blessedistruth Says:

    I peeked to see what my Pakistani military friends were saying.

    I don’t know whether to laugh or to cry.


    “what a hell is wrong with these retarded people”

    “There’s no way Karzai is that stupid. He knows who’s keeping him in power, the Taliban would love to make an example out of him and put a man of their own in charge.”

  16. blessedistruth Says:

    From Jen Chapin

    Tuesday, April 6th * 7:30 pm
    Hendricks Hall, University of Central Missouri
    206 East South Street, Warrensburg MO 64093

    Wednesday, April 7th
    House Concert
    St. Louis MO
    $20 — please contact Terry Hoffman for more information and reservations…

    Thursday, April 8th * 8 pm
    Urban Element
    901 N. Pennsylvania, Indianapolis IN * (317) 423-2938
    $15 — reservations are recommended

    Friday, April 9th * 8pm
    House Concert
    Columbus, OH
    with special guest Peter Rende
    Please contact jeff@creativecasa.com for information.

    Saturday, April 10th * 8pm
    Chapin Family Concert
    Theatre at Westbury
    (516) 334-0800
    960 Brush Hollow Road
    Westbury, NY 11590

    Oh, man. The Westbury venue used to be one of my husband’s accounts. Wish I was there. Saw Joe Cocker there. Wow!

    Jen Chapin — An island of clarity in a sea of insanity

    (accuracy, articulateness, brightness, certainty, cognizability, comprehensibility, conspicuousness, decipherability, definition, directness, distinctness, evidence, exactitude, exactness, explicability, explicitness, intelligibility, legibility, limpidity, limpidness, lucidity, manifestness, obviousness, openness, overtness, palpability, penetrability, perceptibility, perspicuity, plainness, precision, prominence, purity, salience, simplicity, tangibility, transparency, unambiguity, unmistakability)

  17. blessedistruth Says:

    BTW, she married her bass player. Lucky girl!

    Me Be Me
    by Jen Chapin

    well you got the sugar
    and you got enough salt
    and you got a taste that can make my breath come
    to a halt
    my appetite gets tempted
    every time you’re around
    and I thank the powers that be for this sweet man
    that I’ve found
    but of all your flavors the sweetest to me
    is the way you let me just be

    well I didn’t know
    what I was looking for
    til you put this taste in my mouth
    filled me up ’til I didn’t need more
    you might find me nasty
    if I shout it out loud
    but to find myself a lover like this
    well I think I should be proud
    but of all your flavors the sweetest to me
    is the way you let me just be

    my mind gets so hectic
    like a rush hour street
    then you come groovin’ round my corners
    and you smooth out the beat
    and you can swing me up
    and you can love me down
    and when you leave me I can still feel your rhythm
    all over town
    but of all your favors the best that you do for me
    is the way you let me just be

    do you have enough sugar?
    did you get enough salt?
    have I covered you in love spices
    ’til you’re spiced up to a fault?
    we can get all heated
    then we can cool each other down
    Then you love me down so mellow that I can’t even make a sound
    yeah well you and me we can make ourselves a good stew
    you let me be me I let you be you


  18. blessedistruth Says:

    by Jen Chapin

    He’s got a t-shirt
    Michael Jordan on the front
    he’s got knock knees
    bigger than his baby face
    you can’t tell
    this little boy he’s not a man
    no one
    he’ll listen to beside his gun

    He’s got
    red hair that he tries to dye blue
    he’s got a girlfriend
    and what’s it mean to you now?
    if he hits her once in a while
    he ain’t got nothing else to do

    he’s just a manchild

    well he’s handsome and he’s got a nice car
    he’s straight out smart
    and he knows he could go far
    but that same knowledge
    is like a dark cloud
    he’s got too much
    he’s far too proud

    He’s just a manchild

    I can hear his mama crying
    when you gonna go to bed?
    you’re wrestling every word you ever said
    to your baby
    but he’s not your baby no more

    school book
    no job
    what’s it mean to you?
    too much
    too little
    trying to raise her baby
    stay in
    stay straight
    bend the rules a little

    no need
    to ask why
    he’s just a manchild oh
    so strong
    so silly
    lots of toys to make him feel big now
    you keep trying
    keep trying like centuries past oh
    keep trying
    keep trying
    I know you’ll keep on trying


  19. blessedistruth Says:

    by Jen Chapin

    He awakes
    and puts his pride into his pockets
    and decides to walk into the day
    He does his strange dances
    for strangers he meets along the way
    sometimes it sets him free to be his own imagining
    a thing no small town would allow
    sometimes it leaves him stumbling on the street
    he takes an empty bow

    I live in a city that has no past
    I live in a city where dreams fade fast
    I live in an over ripe fruit
    where passions call out and then fall mute
    where sweetness struggles to be heard
    where shame can die without a word

    purpose paints her face for her race
    through the smoke of hidden holes and greasy fires
    She has no breath to waste on the taste
    of knowing other people’s desires
    it seems there is no fear in her
    a conspirator with the arrogance of brick and steel
    too many people to wonder about
    she’s off to make another deal

    I live in a city where stories are cast
    I live in a city where illusion grows vast
    I live on an island so bold
    its fiction captures us in its hold
    its voices somehow sing the same song
    with furtive words we sing along
    and there’s a man whose face is a pile of brittle wood
    and his smile just needs one spark
    to set it aflame

    and there’s a woman who walks with her boy bandaged up
    her face is a cup holding all his hurts
    and I see a puffed up man in a three-piece pout
    not a doubt in his mind that the city is his
    but what if all these faces were to welcome us in?
    what a place this would be what a place to live in


  20. blessedistruth Says:

    Regular Life
    by Jen Chapin

    This was a sad day
    when the disappointment that was my shadow
    came into the sun
    and he slapped me dull on the forehead
    and he told me he had won

    so I sink into my gentle home
    the streets won’t mind if they don’t feel my heavy feet today
    the bed’s inclined to ask me back to stay
    but if I stay
    if I stay
    then I’ll

    so now I wonder
    is there a method to quantify both pain and joy?
    does mine hurt as bad as yours does?
    does yours feel as good as mine?

    and if you live in war
    can you still keep score
    of the burdens like bodies piled at your door?
    and the bodies that lost their chance to be more than bodies
    Just bodies

    what muffled meaning does it hold
    to be told that your story is not the only one?
    no, not the first nor the last
    not the best not the worst
    you are cursed by a regular life


  21. blessedistruth Says:


    An old lady once said to me

    She Said: “You see what I got?”

    So I turned to see

    She was sitting empty-handed

    with a secret smile

    and she said:

    “I got gold and it shines in dark places”

    So I thought about this lady

    and what she had to say

    and I try to put all my life one day

    Try to look for that gol in everything I do

    and I think I see a little in you

    Wherever I go

    I got gold

    So let’s see what we can put into today

    I wanna go hear my man Fred Wesley play

    the trombone

    Just one note a piece of gold

    that he has inside that’ll never be sold

    Wanna stir up some trouble

    everywhere I go

    I wanna suck in the sunshine

    and roll in the snow

    There are so many things that I wanna do

    and I think I wanna do ’em with you

    Wherever we go

    We got gold


  22. blessedistruth Says:

    I had to go to court this morning.

    For a speeding tkt, yeah they finally got me.

    I just have to go to driving school.


    But as we were waiting our turn, a gentleman asked why his complaint was considered criminal.

    Because he wasn’t wearing his glasses.

    Those of us who were in earshot just looked at each other in disbelief and uttered sounds of disgust.

    Not wearing one’s eyeglasses while driving is stupid to be sure.

    But criminal?

    No, I’ll tell you who the criminal is.

    Bank of America for taking our money and then turning around and charging 29.99 percent interest on outstanding credit card balances.

    So B of A insiders can purchase shares of B of A stock and double their money in 2009.

    Banks. Governments.

    The common man, the forgotten man is fed up!

    The feeling is palpable. Can’t you feel it?!

    ‘How’s that hopey, changey thing working out for ya?’

  23. blessedistruth Says:

    I’ve decided to it’s time to take a stand against the banksters’ usury and greed! If our founding fathers were willing to sacrifice their LIVES for our FREEDOM, then I can certainly sacrifice my credit score and be willing to be sued. I’m staging a DEBTOR’S REVOLT!

  24. blessedistruth Says:

    Or you could do as I’m doing and withraw most if not all of your assets from B of A.

    I started with 25,000 last year.

    Then I threatened to withdraw six figures.

    They don’t care.

    My card is fine. Apparently my husband’s card was not fine like the lady above as he was making minimum payments.

    Had he known it would be an issue, he would have paid more every month.

    So we’re going with MidFirst


    And may you rot in hell, B of A, you blood-sucking bastards!

  25. blessedistruth Says:

    Too big to fail, my ass!

  26. blessedistruth Says:

    Industry News: Citibank (NYSE: C), Bank of America (NYSE: BAC) and Other Credit Card Issuers Raising Rates to “Clear the Books” of Old Debt?


  27. blessedistruth Says:

    Citigroup is also suffering significantly in consumer sentiment with reports that its raising most consumers credit card rates to 29.99% and that it had shut-down credit cards without properly notifying consumers. These harsh moves might indicate significant credit issues for Citigroup.


  28. blessedistruth Says:

    Thanks, LameStream Media for fighting for the common man! (sarc)

    Oh, sorry! I guess you were too busy demonizing Sarah Palin and tea partiers and you just didn’t have time to defend the little guy from being gouged.

    My bad.

  29. blessedistruth Says:

    You wanna know the worst part.

    We’re just gonna pay off this debt, so B of A is gonna get exactly what they wanted.

    But what about those who aren’t able to do that?

    They’re stuck with the 29.99%.

    Honestly, if our elected reps can’t do anything about THIS, what good are they?

  30. blessedistruth Says:

    Aht uh mi head, it’s growing.
    Aht uh mi head, it’s glowing.
    Aht uh mi head ‘cos I heard,
    Something said in a word.
    From your voice, did I hear,
    Only choice…dear?

    Aht uh mi head, j’taime,
    From shots that shot above.
    Aht uh mi head, things are different.

    Aht uh mi head, all the time,
    In the bed, for a rhyme.
    Flashing back, to your air,
    And the good…there.
    There magic too,
    When the spread, is on you.
    Won’t you read me a trip,
    From your whip(?)

    It’s about time for something new,
    You got to grow, (got to grow).
    Said; head, out, head, growing,
    Oh, I wanna tell you.
    Head, aht uh mi head,
    Aht uh mi head, aht uh mi head,
    Aht uh mi head, aht uh mi head.

  31. blessedistruth Says:

  32. blessedistruth Says:

    Favorite Album Sides (cont’d.)

    The legendary son of Johnny Otis produces a highly underrated blues record.

    Side One:

    1. Inspiration Information

    2. Island Letter

    3. Sparkle City

    4. Aht Uh Mi Hed

    Side Two:

    1. Happy House

    2. Rainy Day

    3. XL-30

    4. Pling!

    5. Not Available





  33. blessedistruth Says:

  34. blessedistruth Says:

    Hello my love, I heard a kiss from you
    Red magic satin playing near, too
    All through the morning rain I gaze, the sun doesn’t shine
    Rainbows and waterfalls run through my mind

    In the garden, I see
    West purple shower bells and tea
    Orange birds and river cousins
    Dressed in green

    Pretty music I hear
    So happy and loud
    Blue flower echo
    From a cherry cloud

    Feel sunshine sparkle pink and blue
    Playgrounds will laugh
    If you try to ask
    “Is it cool?”

    If you arrive and don’t see me
    I’m going to be with my baby
    I am free, flying in her arms
    Over the sea

    Stained window yellow candy screen
    See speakers of kite
    With velvet roses diggin’
    Freedom flight

    A present from you
    Strawberry letter twenty-two
    The music plays I sit
    In for a few


  35. blessedistruth Says:

    Side Two:

    1. Happy House

    2. Rainy Day

    3. XL-30

    4. Pling!

    5. Not Available






  36. sisterrosetta Says:

    48% 51% 4/06

    Rasmussenreports obama approval

  37. sisterrosetta Says:


    Barack obamas foundation

  38. sisterrosetta Says:

      GLENN:  Of the DNC.  Who had this videotape and they have been sitting on it for so long?  Why is this being released now? Here’s the third theory.  The third theory is this is a losing battle.  This paints people into nut jobs, just as much as Bush blew up the World Trade Center and Dick Cheney went and was SCUBA diving and he blew up the levees in New Orleans.  Now, there are people that believe that the 9/11 job was done by George W. Bush and his henchmen and Dick Cheney only having heart attacks because he was trying to SCUBA dive so much, getting in shape for blowing up the levees.  Those people are nuts.  The idea of the birth certificate?  Let’s just say that it’s not true.  Let’s just say that he’s actually born here in America.    STU:  Let’s be crazy.    GLENN:  Be out on the edge.  Be out on the edge.  Let’s just say he was born here in America and there weren’t, you know, KGB government operatives that were planting stories in the press this in Hawaii in 1962.    PAT:  Okay, but this is all silly.    GLENN:  I know.    PAT:  You know.    GLENN:  I know.    PAT:  I mean ‑‑    GLENN:  I got it.    PAT:  You are asking us to stretch.    GLENN:  I know.    PAT:  Okay.    GLENN:  Let’s just say that he’s not the Manchurian Candidate from birth.    PAT:  Okay.    GLENN:  Okay?  If you have ‑‑ if you’re playing to your base and you are trying to paint people as crazy, as tea partygoers, as hateful, as people you just can’t be around and you are trying to rally your base around you, wouldn’t one of the best things that you could do is go on the Birther thing?  Let me just give you the poll numbers on it.  With independents, 83‑8.  Was he born in America?  83% of independents say yes.  8% say no.  Among adults between 45 and 59, 82 to 8.  In the Midwest?  90‑6.  In the midwest, not the Northeast.  In the Midwest ‑‑ think Ohio ‑‑ 90‑6.  They have nothing that polls this well, nothing.  Is he an American?  Yes.  The majority says overwhelmingly yes.  So if you want to make them into moon landing people, what’s the most effective sign that you could carry at a tea party?  I mean, if you are thinking like the Obama administration, he was born in Kenya.  It’s the most effective sign to paint you into a nut job that you can carry.  Why is this tape being released now?  They need you to be perceived as a nut job!  — Watch Glenn Beck

  39. sisterrosetta Says:

    So Mr Beck is suggesting we are being played?


    Glenn call me!

  40. sisterrosetta Says:

    PHOENIX (AP) — The Republican governors of Arizona and Nevada say their states will join the legal battle against health care reform. Fourteen other states are already suing the federal government over the mandatory purchase requirement. The Arizona and Nevada governors are overriding their Democratic attorneys general, who have balked at suing.

  41. sisterrosetta Says:


    Alan Simpson

  42. sisterrosetta Says:

    But in an earlier interview on the same show, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani expressed confidence in Steele, saying that the RNC chairman “should remain exactly where he is.” Giuliani noted that Republicans picked up the Virginia and New Jersey governor’s offices, as well as the seat held by Massachusetts Sen. Edward Kennedy, on Steele’s watch. “I think Michael Steele has us on a good track,” Giuliani said.

    Repubs eating their own again

    Don’t they realize how bad it will look if steele is forced out?

    Dems are praying repubs are stupid enough to do this

    File this under

    Dumber than a bag of hammers

  43. sisterrosetta Says:

    And besides

    I like Michael Steele

  44. sisterrosetta Says:

    48% 52% 4/07

    Rasmussenreports obama approval

  45. sisterrosetta Says:

    The Internet tussle is unlikely finished. The FCC might ask for the decision to be reconsidered or seek review by the U.S. Supreme Court. The Obama administration could also turn to Congress to clarify the regulator’s authority. A more radical option, one advocated by consumer groups, would be for the FCC to legally reclassify broadband. Such a move would give the agency broad power to regulate the Internet like it was the old-fashioned landline telephone service. That sort of command-and-control apporach hardly seems a policy suited for the 21st century

    James pethokoukis on net neutrality

  46. sisterrosetta Says:

    Me:  It would be tough to find a think-tank economist or policymaker who doesn’t believe a VAT is on its way as part of a strategy to raise taxes.  (As I wrote earlier this week.) And not just on the rich. On the broad middle class.  But it is no magic bullet.  A VAT can be tricky to implement and could merely fuel more government spending. This will be a major political battle. I don’t see how it happens without a financial crisis as a spur. At the very least, a VAT would have to replace much of the current tax system and accompany major entitlement reform. Where to begin!?

    James pethokoukis on vat attack!

  47. sisterrosetta Says:


    Tom coburn

  48. sisterrosetta Says:

    Bunning single-handedly blocked an earlier extension of the benefit last month, but backed down after a successful Democratic counterattack that portrayed Republicans as careless obstructionists.Democrats will need at least one Republican to cross the aisle to move the unemployment bill. Republicans such as Susan Collins of Maine and Scott Brown of Massachusetts are among the potential crossover votes. Collins was critical of Bunning’s move last month, and Brown crossed the aisle to support a Democratic jobs bill in February.The offices of both senators said Tuesday that they are open-minded to supporting an extension, but both expressed concern over how it would be funded.“Sen. Brown believes it is important for colleagues on both sides of the political aisle to work together next week to come up with a fiscally responsible way to extend unemployment benefits without adding to the national debt,” said Brown spokesman Colin Reed.

  49. sisterrosetta Says:


    Michigan attorney general hcr lawsuit has merit

  50. sisterrosetta Says:


    This blogger agrees with Glenn Beck

    Birthers don’t play well with independents

    Repubs don’t lose the middle

    But pls don’t bash birthers either

    Just don’t go there

    Just say as far as you know obama is eligible

    Palin said it is a legitimate question like any other question

    And leave it at that

  51. sisterrosetta Says:

    In other words defeating one party rule in Nov is more important than the truth being revealed

    What the truth is none of us know for sure

  52. blessedistruth Says:

    When friends are mad at you

    By Ephraim Sneh

    The writer is a former cabinet minister and chairman of the Center for Strategic Dialogue at Netanya Academic College.


    5. In the absence of “crippling sanctions” that will undermine the regime in Tehran, it is reasonable to assume that by 2011 Iran will have a nuclear bomb or two.

    6. An Israeli military campaign against Iran’s nuclear installations is likely to cripple that country’s nuclear project for a number of years. The retaliation against Israel would be painful, but bearable.

    7. U.S. President Barack Obama would find it difficult, if only for internal political reasons, to take military action against Iran and thereby open a new theater for war, in addition to Iraq and Afghanistan.

    8. The acquisition of nuclear weapons by Iran during Obama’s term would do him a great deal of political damage. The damage that the resulting independent Israeli strike would cause Obama – soaring gasoline prices and American casualties in retaliatory operations – would be devastating.

    9. For practical reasons, in the absence of genuine sanctions, Israel will not be able to wait until the end of next winter, which means it would have to act around the congressional elections in November, thereby sealing Obama’s fate as president.

    10. Without international legitimacy, and with its friends mad at it, Israel would find it very difficult to act on its own.

    Weighing them up with each other begs a single solution to the crisis with the United States: quit building.

  53. blessedistruth Says:

    Chairman Steele and the Fall Elections


    My advice to Steele, who is a friend and a former –and excellent– guest host of my program:

    Recruit two deputy chairs, one for the inside and one for the outside.

    Mr. Inside should come with green eye shades and a reputation for parsimony.

    Put him or her in charge of a top-to-bottom audit.

    Mr. Outside should be a high-profile GOP stalwart who can share the travel and fund-raising duties and help capitalize between now and November on the enormous energy in the grassroots.

    It need only be a six-month commitment, but a proven conservative spokesman like Rick Santorum or Liz Cheney down the hall and at your side would smooth this rough patch and end the news cycle.

    So too would some focus on the 2012 primaries and whether they will be open to Obama’s troops with nothing better to do than make mischief in the GOP’s selection process.

    (Good advice, Mr. Hewitt.)

  54. blessedistruth Says:

    If Coyotes win tonight, they get home ice advantage for playoffs!

    And I’m loving my husband’s beard!

  55. blessedistruth Says:

  56. blessedistruth Says:


  57. blessedistruth Says:

  58. blessedistruth Says:


  59. blessedistruth Says:

    Rare early ’70s clip (Sweet Home Chicago / Bye Bye Baby) of teenage blues guitar phenom Shuggie Otis sharing the stage with his father Johnny Otis and special guest Roy Buchanan.

  60. blessedistruth Says:



  61. blessedistruth Says:

    Check it out!

    Glenn Beck

    Phoenix KTAR-FM 92.3 MoFr12p3p Sa3p5p Sa10p11p


    (So Glenn Beck is competing with Sean Hannity and Michael Medved here in Phoenix.)

    (not live, but neither is Hannity, there’s an hour delay, which is why I usually listen on satellite radio.)

    (six months there is no delay, so we’re in a constant state of cognitive dissonance here in the valley of the sun.)

  62. blessedistruth Says:

    Other AZ affiliates

    Holbrook KDJI-AM 1270 MoFr6a9a Su12p3p

    Show Low KVWM-AM 970 MoFr6a9a Su12p3p

    Tuscon KNST-AM 790 MoFr 3p-6p Sa 3p-6p

    Yuma KBLU-AM 560 MoFr3p6p Su4p7p

  63. blessedistruth Says:

    Hugh Hewitt


  64. blessedistruth Says:

    From his 1968 release titled “Cold Shot”,..here is Johnny Otis and his The Johnny Otis Show.

  65. blessedistruth Says:

    New Thread:

    Remembering Cat Stevens and Salman Rushdie

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