no rhyme, nor reason save love



UPVEILED in yonder dim ethereal sea,
Its airy towers the work of phantom spells,
A viewless belfry tolls its wizard bells,
Pealed o’er this populous earth perpetually.
Some hear, some hear them not; but aye they be
Laden with one strange note that sinks or swells,
Now dread as doom, now gentle as farewells,
Time’s dirge borne ever toward eternity.
Each hour its measured breath sobs out and dies,
While the bell tolls its requiem,–“Passing, past,”
The sole sad burden of their long refrain.

32 Responses to “no rhyme, nor reason save love”

  1. blessedistruth Says:

    Larry Sinclair – Orly Taitz

    In [the affidavit], Sinclair recounts being ushered into Taitz’s office and being told by her to “testify that three (3) member (sic) of Obama’s church were murder (sic).” Sinclair claims to have recoiled at this, at which point Taitz encouraged him to say it anyway.

    “You testifying that three (3) members of Obama’s church were murdered will help me establish that expedited delivery is necessary because people wind up dead over Obama.”

    (I do remember agreeing with Sinclair that Donald Young’s murder was made to look like the other hate crime(s) that had occurred against homosexual men. I couldn’t bring myself to believe that Obama had had a hand in this. If I’m right about Mr. Young being silenced, the prudent thing would have been to keep Obama in the dark.)

  2. blessedistruth Says:

    I was able to find more about Sinclair’s issues with Taitz. And I agree this has little or nothing to do with Obama’s eligibility. I’d love to see Mr. Young’s murderer brought to justice. But no one wants to touch Obama’s alleged bisexuality.

  3. blessedistruth Says:

    More on Sinclair and Taitz this morning:

    Dr Conspiracy

    Which of the following is the most batshirt crazy?

    Orly Taitz: Motion to reconsider in Barnett introduces Larry Sinclair’s Obama homosexual murder claims.


    Larry Sinclair:

    • Larry Sinclair says:

    November 10, 2009 at 5:16 pm

    Orly Taitz is intentionally seeking to prevent any and all valid efforts to expose the truth about Barack Obama by her deliberate lies. Orly Taitz use of my allegations against Barack Obama, the murder of Donald Young and her continued misrepresentations of both for almost a year now demonstrates she is desperate.

    The recent Declaration of Orly Taitz was edited from her November 5, 2009 “declaration” which I pointed out Orly Taitz continued lies.

    Yes Donald Young was murdered and yes, I will bet my life that Barack Obama was involved in the murder of Donald Young as is stated in my Book, Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder?, but this has nothing to do with Orly Taitz claims Obama was born in Kenya or her deliberately filing “Fake/Forged Kenya Birth Certificates” claiming them to be real when she herself admitted to my face on September 7, 2009 they were fake.

    As I have stated before, people cannot call Barack Obama a “liar” and a “fraud” and they themselves be lying and committing frauds.

    Orly Taitz has crossed the line with the latest post and pleadings.


    Misleading and Nonresponsive?

    Exploring the Natural Born Citizen Clause

    Misleading and Nonresponsive. Sinclair did not allege that his testimony regarding the homocide of Donald Young was perjury. He accused Taitz of asking him to, also, testify that (a) that three members of Obama’s church were murdered; and (b) that he could identify a birthmark on Obama. Link. Taitz fails utterly to address those specific claims.

    Misleading and Nonresponsive. Smith did not allege that the testimony regarding the fake Kenyan BC would be perjury. Instead, he accused Taitz of asking him to testify that Gary Kreep tried to buy the documents on eBay in order to “bury them.” Link. Taitz fails utterly to address those specific claims

  4. blessedistruth Says:

    If you have an interest in birther story, “rxsid” might be a good one to follow:;tab=comments

  5. blessedistruth Says:

    Urgent HCR Update!!! According to Senator Graham, after conference only 50 votes needed in Senate (not 60)!!!




    VAN SUSTEREN: Chances?

    GRAHAM: The chances are — here is what I believe, that any bill that the Senate passes will wind up with a public option in conference with the House because that’s where they want, a single-payer plan.

    This government option is the first step toward universal coverage and government controlled health care. So no matter what we do in the Senate, it has to be conferenced with the House, and that report only requires 50 votes.

    You need 60 votes to pass a bill in the Senate. But once the House and the Senate compromise of a bill, all you need is 50 votes.

    *** So I’m urging every Republican and every moderate Democrat do not vote for any bill until the Speaker of the House promises not to put the public option into conference. ***

    VAN SUSTEREN: Isn’t that the current plan or thinking of the Democrats?

    GRAHAM: That’s the current plan.

    VAN SUSTEREN: You do it without it — you get the Senate bill without the public option. You get it in conference. In conference you put the house government option in. You only need 50 votes, and there you go.

    GRAHAM: There is the plan.

  6. blessedistruth Says:

    Pls watch entire video and watch Senator Graham call out Speaker Pelosi. Graham says Pelosi is ruining any chance of meaningful reform because of her insistence on public “option.” I agree.

  7. blessedistruth Says:
  8. blessedistruth Says:

    Lindsey Graham On Greta Warns That Any Bill Passed In The Senate Will End Up With The Public Option In Conference

  9. blessedistruth Says:

    Pressure Builds From The Left On Joe Lieberman For Promises To Join Filibuster Of Health Care

  10. blessedistruth Says:

    Thanks for stopping by, amy! And thanks for remembering our veterans!

    Submitted on 2009/11/11 at 7:05pm

    Thought you might enjoy this posting. Very nice tribute to Veterans.

  11. blessedistruth Says:

    Updated Link after deletions and additions:

    Starting on Page 2 # 173

  12. blessedistruth Says:

    “The Windmills of Your Mind” (Les moulins de mon cœur) is a song with music by Michel Legrand, as well as Alan Bergman and Marilyn Bergman, and lyrics by the Bergmans, from the 1968 film The Thomas Crown Affair. Noel Harrison performed the song for the film score. It won the Academy Award for Best Original Song in 1969. (Harrison’s father, the British actor Rex Harrison, had performed the previous year’s Oscar-winning “Talk to the Animals”).

    Dusty Springfield’s version of the song is also well known; this version reached #31 on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart and #3 on the Billboard adult contemporary chart in 1969.

    Like a circle in a spiral
    Like a wheel within a wheel
    Never ending or beginning
    On ever-spinning wheel

    Like a snowball down the mountain
    Or a carnival balloon
    Like a carousel that’s turning
    Running rings around the moon

    Like a clock whose hands are sweeping
    Past the minutes of its face
    And the world is like an apple
    Whirling silently in space

    Like the circles that you find
    In the windmills of your mind

    Like the tunnel that you follow
    To a tunnel of its own
    Down a hollow to a cavern
    Where the sun has never shown

    Like a door that keeps revolving
    And a half-forgotten dream
    Or the ripples from the pebble
    Someone tosses in a stream

    Like a clock whose hands are sweeping
    Past the minutes of its face
    And the world is like an apple
    Whirling silently in space

    Like the circles that you find
    In the windmills of your mind

    Keys that jingle in your pocket
    Words that dangle in your head
    Why the summer goes so quickly
    Was it something that you said

    Lovers walk along the shore
    And leave their footprints in the sand
    Is the sound of distant drumming
    Just the fingers of your hand

    Pictures hanging in a hallway
    And the fragments of a song
    Half-remembered and faces
    But to whom do they belong ?

    When you knew that it was over
    You were certainly aware
    That the autumn leaves were turning
    To the color of her hair

  13. blessedistruth Says:

  14. blessedistruth Says:

    Have you seen this yet?!


  15. blessedistruth Says:

    Maine Finds a Health Care Fix Elusive

    Maine’s history is a cautionary tale for national health reform.

    The state could never figure out how to slow the spiraling increase in medical costs, hobbling its efforts to offer more people insurance coverage.

    Many on Capitol Hill have criticized national reform legislation for similarly doing little to tame costs.

  16. blessedistruth Says:

    Sinclair – Taitz — Young


    It Holds ever interesting and illuminating to see Larry Sinclair’s blog
    once a day to get is take along what Holds entering in his life and the cosmos of politics. Larry Sinclair is the man who holds sayed that he and Obama prosecuted in consensual sex and employed cocain back in 1999. Nada in Mr. Sinclair ‘s tale holds been negate by any facts. Obama was available in Chicago during the hebdomad in interrogation equally far as anyone can say. Only like the interrogation of whether Obama is a Natural Born Citizen, entitling him to stay in the Ellipse Office, Obama holds declined to supply any corroboration from his yesteryear that might rebut Mister Sinclair ‘s allegations. I for one, from discovering the unbelievable sums of deceit and concealed schedules demo in the White House, believe Larry Sinclair.


    More here:,sbd:1&filter=0

  17. blessedistruth Says:

    Wild and Wacky Stuff!

    This guy was on coast to coast am last night with George Noory:

    Andrew D. Basiago

  18. blessedistruth Says:

    Part 1/39 A Conversation with Andrew D. Basiago

  19. blessedistruth Says:

    More Like This:

  20. blessedistruth Says:

    Mars Andrew d. Basiago the Discovery of Life on Mars 12-12-08

  21. blessedistruth Says:

    Web Bot: Andrew Basiago is predicted “planetary level” whistleblower for Mars life and time travel–Andrew-Basiago-is-predicted-planetary-level-whistleblower-for-Mars-life-and-time-travel

  22. blessedistruth Says:



    On December 7th, Basiago made his discovery. “I was astonished by what I found,” he said. “There, on the Red Planet, were beings in blue bodysuits and the abstract artwork of a Martian civilization. I was looking at the first evidence of life beyond Earth!”

    In his letter to the National Geographic Society, the lawyer writes that careful evaluation of PIA10214 reveals “a cosmic treasure trove of pictographic evidence of life on Mars, including humanoid beings, animal species, carved statues, and built structures.”

    We Report You Decide!

    American Lawyer asks National Geographic Society to Publish Evidence He Discovered of Life on Mars in Photograph by NASA’s Rover Spirit

  23. blessedistruth Says:

    I’m not seeing it, but I don’t know what I’m looking for, either.

  24. blessedistruth Says:

    cool pics of Mars, anyway!

  25. blessedistruth Says:

    Pt 1/14 Andrew D. Basiago – Project Pegasus, teleportation and time travel

  26. blessedistruth Says:

    More Like This:

  27. blessedistruth Says:

    Oh, what the heck!

    The Mars Mystery: Graham Hancock Pt.1

  28. blessedistruth Says:

    More Like This:

  29. blessedistruth Says:


    Updated Link after deletions and additions:

    Starting on Page 2 # 173

  30. blessedistruth Says:

    I recently purchased new comp with Windows 7, which I think came preinstalled with Word, etc

    Anyway, had problem with product key, and ended up with a product key for trial version which I think is not what we paid for.

    So I found info on free word processors in case you’re interested.

  31. blessedistruth Says:

    And I got my external drive working with all my music, so now I’m a happy camper!

  32. blessedistruth Says:

    New Thread:

    the heart and soul of the andes

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