Lyrics and Chords

“Song For Sharon”

I went to Staten Island.
To buy myself a mandolin
And I saw the long white dress of love
On a storefront mannequin
Big boat chuggin’ back with a belly full of cars…
All for something lacy
Some girl’s going to see that dress
And crave that day like crazy

Little Indian kids on a bridge up in Canada
They can balance and they can climb
Like their fathers before them
They’ll walk the girders of the Manhattan skyline
Shine your light on me Miss Liberty
Because as soon as this ferry boat docks
I’m headed to the church
To play Bingo
Fleece me with the gamblers’ flocks

I can keep my cool at poker
But I’m a fool when love’s at stake
Because I can’t conceal emotion
What I’m feeling’s always written on my face
There’s a gypsy down on Bleecker Street
I went in to see her as a kind of joke
And she lit a candle for my love luck
And eighteen bucks went up in smoke

Sharon, I left my man
At a North Dakota junction
And I came out to the “Big Apple” here
To face the dream’s malfunction
Love’s a repetitious danger
You’d think I’d be accustomed to
Well, I do accept the changes
At least better than I used to do

A woman I knew just drowned herself
The well was deep and muddy
She was just shaking off futility
Or punishing somebody
My friends were calling up all day yesterday
All emotions and abstractions
It seems we all live so close to that line
And so far from satisfaction

Dora says, “Have children!”
Mama and Betsy say-“Find yourself a charity.”
Help the needy and the crippled or put some time into Ecology.”
Well, there’s a wide wide world of noble causes
And lovely landscapes to discover
But all I really want right now
Is…find another lover

When we were kids in Maidstone, Sharon
I went to every wedding in that little town
To see the tears and the kisses
And the pretty lady in the white lace wedding gown
And walking home on the railroad tracks
Or swinging on the playground swing
Love stimulated my illusions
More than anything

And when I went skating after Golden Reggie
You know it was white lace I was chasing
Chasing dreams
Mama’s nylons underneath my cowgirl jeans
He showed me first you get the kisses
And then you get the tears
But the ceremony of the bells and lace
Still veils this reckless fool here

Now there are 29 skaters on Wolmann rink
Circling in singles and in pairs
In this vigorous anonymity
A blank face at the window stares and stares and stares and stares
And the power of reason
And the flowers of deep feeling
Seem to serve me
Only to deceive me

Sharon you’ve got a husband
And a family and a farm
I’ve got the apple of temptation
And a diamond snake around my arm
But you still have your music
And I’ve still got my eyes on the land and the sky
You sing for your friends and your family
I’ll walk green pastures by and by

Una de las mejores canciones de Joni. En vivo en 1998.

“It seems we all live so close to that line
And so far from satisfaction”


Joni Mitchell Playlist

Remembering Fernando who liked to play Chopin for me

65 Responses to “Lyrics and Chords”

  1. blessedistruth Says:

    I’d forgotten about this site:

    Text of S. 3081: Enemy Belligerent Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010

    Mr. MCCAIN (for himself, Mr. LIEBERMAN, Mr. INHOFE, Mr. BROWN of Massachusetts, Mr. WICKER, Mr. CHAMBLISS, Mr. LEMIEUX, Mr. SESSIONS, and Mr. VITTER) introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary

  2. blessedistruth Says:

    I haven’t been paying attention. A Freeper posted the above link. And I was wondering what’s going on.

    I hold both McCain and Lieberman in high regard, so I’ll withhold judgment for now.

    McCain defended his bill in a speech on the Senate floor March 4, stating:

    The legislation would authorize detention of enemy belligerents without criminal charges for the duration of the hostilities consistent with standards under the law of war which have been recognized by the Supreme Court. Importantly, if a decision is made to hold a criminal trial after the necessary intelligence information is obtained, the bill mandates trial by military commission where we are best able to protect U.S. national security interests, including sensitive classified sources and methods, as well as the place and the people involved in the trial itself.

    In other words, the right to trial by jury guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution would no longer be a right.

  3. blessedistruth Says:

    Well, I sure would like to know Hayworth’s position on this.

  4. blessedistruth Says:

    The act would make it possible for the US military to seize and imprison anyone anywhere in the world, including American citizens, on suspicion of involvement in terrorism.

    This includes “material support” which is not otherwise defined.

    The imprisonment would be under the authority of the president as commander in chief.

    McCain and Lieberman’s bill defines the detainees as “unprivileged enemy belligerents,” which is apparently what the Obama justice department prefers rather than the Bush and Cheney designation “unlawful enemy combatants.”

    The bill’s language identifies and includes not only actual terrorists but also individuals of “potential intelligence value” and other categories “as the president considers appropriate.”

    Part of the bill, “Detention Without Trial of Unprivileged Enemy Belligerents,” authorizes suspects to “be detained without criminal charges and without trial for the duration of hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners.”

    It would create a new category of prisoner for whom there will be no charges, no trial, and no civilian judicial review.

    It would be a de facto suspension of the US Bill of Rights.


    “including American citizens” ?!!!

  5. blessedistruth Says:

    Dr. Alveda King notes, “Abortion has done what the Klan only dreamed of.”

    Dr alveda king on Glenn Beck today

  6. blessedistruth Says:

    Coyotes game on locally on 34 or 734 on cable

    I think

  7. blessedistruth Says:

    Boycott Arizona?!

    Are you friggin kidding me?!

    Like things aren’t already bad enough here!

  8. blessedistruth Says:

    Arizona boycott

  9. blessedistruth Says:

    On Tuesday, McConnell returned to the chamber and announced he was “heartened to hear that bipartisan talks have resumed in earnest.” Senate Democratic leaders are preparing to bring the overhaul bill to the floor as early as Thursday, but all 41 Republicans have signed a letter stating their opposition to the bill in its current form. Unless Democrats can peel off at least one GOP senator to allow debate to proceed, a GOP-led filibuster could block financial regulatory reform indefinitely. Later on Tuesday, after a lunch meeting with Senate Republicans, McConnell said the letter appeared to have helped to spur a new round of talks between Democrats and Republicans on the Senate Banking Committee. “I’m convinced now that there is a new element of seriousness attached to this, rather than just trying to score political points,” McConnell said. One potential GOP convert for Democrats, Sen. Olympia J. Snowe of Maine, told reporters Tuesday she would wait for bipartisan talks to play out before deciding whether to support Democratic efforts to advance the legislation. Although Democrats are eager to enlist her support, Snowe said she would “give consideration and deference” to Banking Committee negotiations.


  10. blessedistruth Says:

    And there’s the Brown Amendment on bank size, as well as the rules on leverage. That would be the place to look to see if this is worth passing. UPDATE: RIchard Shelby confirms the new negotiations, says “we’re getting down to words and phrases.”

    David dayen

  11. blessedistruth Says:

    Sen. Judd Gregg (N.H.), the top Republican on the Senate Budget Committee, said reconciliation wouldn’t be a proper use to extend tax cuts.When asked by The Hill what is different about using reconciliation this year, Gregg said, 10 years.In 2001, the federal government was running a surplus. Since then, it has run deficits and is expected by the Congressional Budget Office to run deficits averaging nearly $1 trillion for the next decade under Obama’s policies.An extension of the tax cuts would likely increase debt, as Democrats have said they plan to pass them without finding an offset to their costs.

    This is like a bad dream!

    I hope all 41 senate repubs just say hell no to reconciliation instructions

    Dems are at it again

  12. blessedistruth Says:

    Celeste Levesque ???

    “The Sisterhood of the Rose” caught the attention of “sisterrosetta”

    No particular reason why.

  13. blessedistruth Says:

  14. blessedistruth Says:

    Might be interesting.

    Original Air Date: March 14th 2010
    Guest: Joseph P. Farrell

    The culmination of his work is his four volume magnum opus on the Great Schism between East and West, with its cultural consequences for the resulting two Europes, entitled God, History, and Dialectic.

    It has yet to be peer reviewed by any major scholarly journal.

    Farrell’s other work deals with alternative archaeology, physics, technology, history and alternative history.

    In his own words, he pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and strange stuff.

    He is the creator of the weapons hypothesis concerning the pyramids at Giza, based on Christopher Dunn’s work.

    Farrell states that his books on Giza “takes off where Christopher Dunn’s ‘The Giza Power Plant’ left off.”

    He has also authored several books on the reputed survival of extraordinarily advanced Nazi secret weapons technology and its relationship to the U.S. Department of Defense’s “black” technology programs.

  15. blessedistruth Says:

    More Like This:

  16. blessedistruth Says:

    While Brewer is expected to sign the legislation, she hasn’t yet publicly declared her intention. She has until Saturday to make up her mind. The bill has proven problematic for McCain as well. McCain spoke positively of the bill earlier this week, leading some opponents to charge McCain with flip-flopping after he supported a comprehensive approach to immigration reform for so many years. Ex-Rep. J.D. Hayworth (R), McCain’s primary challenger, strongly supports the measure. “Without a doubt, S.B. 1070 sends a clear message to illegal aliens who enter Arizona that they will not find sanctuary here,” Hayworth said last week.

    Az immigration Bill

  17. blessedistruth Says:

    These very same people who are threatening obama now or else we won’t show up at the polls

    Are the ones who abandoned McCain after all he had done

    And before that they abandoned Hillary

    Just what could feds do if brewer signs anyway?

  18. blessedistruth Says:

    I’m calling for ALIPAC’s William Gheen’s resignation re: Lindsey Graham’s private life He joins me tomorrow at 4:35 ET

    Lou dobbs

  19. blessedistruth Says:

    I don’t know if repubs can filibuster this

    But if they can they’d better

  20. blessedistruth Says:

    The good news is that the reconciliation instructions are broad enough, and the process loose enough, with the possibility for unlimited amendments, that virtually everything is in play if they go ahead with a reconciliation bill. Here’s Bernie Sanders: “What we want to do is end up with legislation that is going to create a substantial number of jobs,” said Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). “We don’t have 60 votes to do that. We could do that through majority rule, 51 votes.” “I would also hope we could have a public option as well,” Sanders added, referring to a government-run health plan for those younger than 65 that could compete with private insurers. So there’s an opportunity here, an organizing opportunity to force the Senate into passing something as good as student loan reform through reconciliation while they have the ability. However, first the demand must be that the House and Senate pass a budget resolution at all – there’s talk that they won’t.

    The good news if you’re a lefty

  21. blessedistruth Says:

    Senate Democrats Put Reconciliation for Cap and Trade National Energy Tax in Budget Language

    by Connie Hair

    “It’s a concern … any time my colleagues on the other side of the aisle start eyeing reconciliation,” said [Sen. Judd] Gregg, the ranking Republican on the Senate Budget Committee.

    Democrats are also including a very broad definition of “jobs” legislation in the budget reconciliation language to create an umbrella under which they can attempt to sidestep the filibuster on a wide range of legislation.

    Looking ahead at a substantial loss of seats in November, if not the surrender of their majority outright, Democrats are seeking a means to push through their leftist agenda prior to the elections.

    They appear to have dropped all pretense of “consent of the governed.”


    Thank goodness for Connie Hair!

  22. blessedistruth Says:

    “The Violence Card”

    Posted by: Hugh Hewitt

  23. blessedistruth Says:

    “The inability of Obamacare to deliver anything but higher taxes, soaring premiums and corporate write-offs by November, and the ongoing agenda of the D.C. Democrats –cap-and-tax, immigration “reform,” and a Chris Dodd-designed Wall Street “reform” bill– will do nothing but add to the urgency with which moderates and conservatives and even some Democrats view the need to change the makeup of Congress.”

    Amen to that!

  24. blessedistruth Says:

    47 — 52

    That’s more like it!

  25. blessedistruth Says:


    Another poll, this one from Quinnipiac University, shows that the passage of health-care reform failed to substantively alter public approval of President Obama.

    Respondents continue to disapprove, 55/40, of both the president’s handling of the economy and his handling of health-care.

    They disapprove 53/39 of the Affordable Care Act itself.

    The Corner

  26. blessedistruth Says:

    Derivatives Language

    The derivatives language remains in flux after Blanche Lincoln, chairman of the Senate agriculture committee, produced a tough bill last week that places restrictions on banks’ trading of swaps and forces more of the instruments on to electronic exchanges and through clearing houses.

    “The Lincoln language that has been brought forward … I think it will undermine the effective functioning of markets,” Judd Gregg, the Republican senator from New Hampshire, told the FT. “I do believe that if you’re trying to force all the derivatives contracts on to exchanges it’s an idea whose time has not come.”

    David Hall, chief operating officer of Chatham Financial, which advises industrial companies on risk management, said the bill gave a clearer exemption to corporate end-users from new restrictions than previous texts.

    But he added: “The House [of Representatives] bill said uncleared swaps should have higher capital charges. This bill says ‘significantly’ higher. They’re trying to use capital charges to structurally change the market. We think capital charges should reflect risk.”

    With some bankers warning that business will migrate to other financial centres if the US enacts tough restrictions on prop trading and derivatives, Mr Warner dismissed the concern of arbitrage, saying: “I think that it’s way overstated.”

  27. blessedistruth Says:

    Noam Scheiber is correct to say that the derivatives piece has actually strengthened as the bill has moved through the legislative process, first with the Dodd placeholder and then with Blanche Lincoln’s tougher bill.

    However, Scheiber neglects to mention that the sharp move on derivatives could be motivating Republicans to get back to negotiations to weaken it.

    In fact, everybody seems to be missing the big story that Banking Committee Republican Judd Gregg “basically has an agreement” on derivatives language with Jack Reed.

    If it brings his vote, the Gregg-Reed agreement would supersede Lincoln’s bill, making discussion on it fairly moot.

    David Dayen

  28. blessedistruth Says:

    Screaming illegal advocates in Phoenix

    Hundreds of illegal aliens marched on the capital in Phoenix this week.

    They know this law will ‘sour the milk’ for their continued presence.

    They know their days of lawlessness, free medical, free food, free schooling, assisted housing, untaxed work and pay under the table, and freewheeling–approach an abrupt ending.

    “We hope other states will follow our lead,” said Pearce.

    “We cannot continue with weak kneed politicians.”

    After the Krentz murder, Governor Jan Brewer expects to sign the bill into law.

    After the bill becomes law, 460,000 illegal alien will find themselves in a precarious position.

    Additionally, employers will face felony crimes, heavy fines and jail time.

    The law will create an exodus from Arizona which will open up job at a living wage for Americans and reduce educational, medical and prison costs as illegals vacate Arizona.

    Subsequently, the illegals may return to Mexico, or they may hit other states.

    One way or the other, it will create a new dynamic, which will force neighboring states to also vote for laws that stop continued illegal alien lawlessness.

    By Frosty Wooldridge

  29. blessedistruth Says:

    Mobile Office Resumes Visits to Communities

    Ryan Announces the Mobile Office Schedule for April-July

  30. blessedistruth Says:

    Regardless of where you stand on the issue, it is clear that our immigration system is not working.

    People who are attempting to come to the country legally find that it takes years to process citizenship applications, and requires endless paperwork and other requirements.

    In order to discourage illegal immigration, I believe it is important that we work towards improving our immigration system so needed workers and eligible people are allowed to receive visas in a timely manner or have their applications for citizenship considered.

    However, I do not support amnesty for the 11-13 million illegal immigrants already living in the United States.

    Any reform proposal must require that those who have disregarded the rule of law are not rewarded for their actions.

    Rep Paul Ryan

  31. rosettasister Says:

    A parody video on YouTube may lead to a lawsuit.

  32. blessedistruth Says:

    04 21 2010

    Tarja Turunen Playlist

  33. blessedistruth Says:

  34. blessedistruth Says:

    Az rep calls for az boycott

  35. blessedistruth Says:

    I just heard a local talker say Brewer may veto immigration bill, but I don’t know what he was basing that on.

  36. blessedistruth Says:

    Contrary to the national uproar, just 23 percent of likely Arizona voters oppose Senate Bill 1070, with six percent unsure. The poll of 500 people was conducted last week and has a margin of error of 4.5 percentage points.

    The poll comes as critics across the country take aim at Arizona.

  37. blessedistruth Says:

    To: MamaDearest

    I think the birth certificate has something on it that Obama wants to keep hidden.

    It’s quite possible that he was born in Hawaii, so he would be born on American soil. However, it’s possible that the birth certificate has someone other than Barack Obama Senior as his father.

    Maybe his birth name was Barry Dunham, and he was born out of wedlock. The cover story is that Barack Sr. and his mom were married but maybe they weren’t.

    He was listed as Barry Obama in his high school yearbook. He went by Barry in those days. Somewhere along the way he came to prefer “Barack” as homage to African roots and his dad, apparently.

    Lots of questions would be answered if we could just see the darn document.

    Why has Obama spent over a million in legal fees and legal actions to keep the certificate hidden?

    42 posted on Wednesday, April 21, 2010 9:37:38 AM by Dilbert San Diego


    I just heard Rush say that he was okay with AZ birther bill, because it would clean up this “mess” we’re in.

    I don’t know what he meant by that.

    Anyway, I’m sticking with my election night prediction that Obama only gets 4 years.

    Maybe he won’t run.

  38. blessedistruth Says:

    Sean Hannity Live 12 PM Pacific

    Glenn Beck Replay 12 PM Pacific

  39. blessedistruth Says:

    I’m not advocating these videos. I just thought some may have an interest. I’m inclined to believe that those who see a conspiracy around every corner make it more difficult to discern the real ones.

    Besides, I’m crazy about George Noory!


    19 April 2010

    Investigative journalist Jim Marrs discussed a variety of topics and conspiracies, including sequestered UFO technology used by the Nazis during WWII.

    Some of their saucer technology may have been
    turned over to American and British forces after the war, he said.

    I think we’re dealing with both humans and aliens and “this could explain the extreme secrecy [of the US government]…

    they don’t want anyone to know about any truly secret advanced technology that we’re working on;

    they certainly don’t want anyone to know there’s a potential enemy out there that has technology that supersedes our own,” he commented.

  40. blessedistruth Says:

    More Like This:

  41. blessedistruth Says:


    This is a must listen. And I do mean every second.

    UFO Coverup Shattered – USAF Hero Pilot, UFO Crash Investigator Reveals The Truth

    [audio src="" /]

    (I’m a just gonna keep posting this!)

  42. blessedistruth Says:

    Jan Brewer had given no hint Wednesday whether she would sign a controversial immigration law.

  43. blessedistruth Says:

    Her playbook has one play … calling conservatives racists. As noted in the title, she referred to the TEA parties as a bowel movement. Now that’s an intellectual heavyweight!

    ACorns bertha Lewis

  44. blessedistruth Says:

    When the issue first popped up during the 2008 presidential election, the Obama campaign released the then-senator’s birth certificate showing that he was born in Hawaii.

    No that was in fact a colb which some have speculated is a forgery

    We have never seen obamas long form bc

    Why not let the state of az see obamas long form?

  45. blessedistruth Says:

    57 percent, have a favorable impression of former President George W. Bush, despite his role in raising the deficit and overseeing TARP bailout of the financial sector.

    Tea partiers that is

    Does Mr Beck think we would have been better off with gore or Kerry at the helm?

    Would things be as bad had McCain been elected?

    I am quite capable of making up my own mind about both bush and McCain

    We live in a political world

  46. blessedistruth Says:

    Did Tea Party Haters Differentiate Themselves from Hate Speech in Bush Era?

    Posted by B. Daniel Blatt

    I’ll start taking liberal critics of the supposedly incendiary/racist rhetoric Tea Party protesters spew regularly in their reportedly* raucous rallies (seriously) when the critic leveling the charge can point to comments he made in the George W. Bush era, to “differentiate themselves” (to borrow an expression from one such critic) from the hateful tone of their ideological confrères opposing that decent Republican.

  47. blessedistruth Says:

  48. blessedistruth Says:

  49. blessedistruth Says:

  50. blessedistruth Says:

  51. blessedistruth Says:

    Bob Dylan singing a song about Jesus as early as 1961!? – the second track from The Gleason Tape.

  52. blessedistruth Says:

  53. blessedistruth Says:

  54. blessedistruth Says:

    Az ranchers fear for their safety

  55. blessedistruth Says:

    Banking Committee members Judd Gregg (R-N.H.) and Jack Reed (D-R.I.) had been in negotiations to write derivatives legislation and probably could have struck a moderate deal, but Gregg backed out, the thinking being that the fight would be easier to win in Lincoln’s committee. Lincoln, instead, hit them with the toughest bill that’s been debated since the crisis. They should have taken the bird in the hand.

    So now what?

  56. blessedistruth Says:

    Sen. Jim DeMint, emerging from the meeting at 5:30 for a vote, said that Shelby briefed them on the progress being made but that Friday’s vote would be key. “There’s not a lot of optimism we’re going to get it fixed until they do a test vote,” he said. “They’re going to wanna make sure we’ve got 41 before they deal too much with us.” Will they? “Yes we will.”Shelby post-meeting, on whether GOP has 41 votes to block current bill: “I’m not entirely confident, but I’m hopeful.” He says a deal is still possible “tonight or tomorrow.”

  57. blessedistruth Says:

    But so far, Collins and Snowe have resisted invitations to join the Democrats and bring Dodd’s bill to the floor.However, lawmakers close to the negotiations say a lot of progress has been made in recent days and a bipartisan agreement could come as soon as next week. “We’ve resolved a number of things,” said Sen. Richard Shelby (Ala.), the ranking Republican on the Banking Committee, declining to discuss details.Democrats won an important victory Wednesday when Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) voted for legislation to regulate derivatives during a markup in the Agriculture Committee.But while negotiators are closing in on an agreement, a GOP aide said there is no rush to speed Obama’s agenda through the Senate.While Republican leaders may not be able to stop a Democratic Wall Street reform bill they call seriously “flawed,” they hope to take as much time off the calendar as possible.“We need to get it right, not necessarily get it done in a big hurry,” said Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), who suggested the Senate wait until the independent Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission issues its report on the 2008 financial meltdown.

    The hill

  58. blessedistruth Says:

    If you blink, you might miss the radical step proposed in this paragraph: Formal debate, if the Senate moves ahead with it Monday, would probably last at least two weeks, according to Senate aides. Under that timeline, the Senate could pass the bill by mid-May, at the latest, giving the House two weeks to approve the latest version and send it to President Obama’s desk before a planned one-week Memorial Day break. Um, conference committee? Or is the House expected to just pass the Senate bill, AGAIN? At this point, it does look like something will pass; Republicans from Bob Corker to John Thune have acknowledged that. The President will make his last big push with a speech today at Cooper Union in New York City.

    David dayen

  59. blessedistruth Says:

    A VAT is the political class’s recourse when the resources of the minority that is targeted by the envious are insufficient to finance ravenous government. Because a VAT would shred Barack Obama’s promise not to increase any tax on households with incomes less than $250,000, he must hope the deficit reduction commission he created will provide cover for his apostasy. But 14 of the commission’s 18 members must endorse any recommendation. Good luck finding two votes for a VAT among the six Republican members — Sens. Judd Gregg, Tom Coburn and Michael Crapo, and Reps. Paul Ryan, Dave Camp and Jeb Hensarling. And wait until the political class’s most imperious masters, the elderly, are heard from. When they worked they paid taxes on their incomes; retired, they will resent — they are virtuosos of resentment — being taxed when they spend their savings. Because a VAT potentially taxes everything, it would be riddled with exemptions

    George will on vat attack

  60. blessedistruth Says:

    And in the new fiscal year that begins Oct. 1, Conrad’s projected deficit of $1.3 trillion is only modestly lower than the estimated $1.4 trillion shortfall for the current year.  Only in 2013 would the deficit drop below $600 billion, settling around $545 billion two years later. Even this is dependent on enacting $114 billion in uncertain loophole closers — and a strict three- to four-year freeze on domestic appropriations that will be difficult to maintain.  “We are on course to become a junk bond government,” complained New Hampshire Sen. Judd Gregg, the ranking Republican on the budget panel.

    Raise taxes or cut spending?

    Will cutting taxes increase revenues?

    How to grow jobs in the private sector?

  61. blessedistruth Says:

    Conrad declined to specify which tax cuts Democrats may try to approve through reconciliation. They were forced to allow the estate tax to lapse this year after failing to produce the 60 votes needed to extend it. New Hampshire Sen. Judd Gregg, the top-ranking Republican on the budget panel, said the plan “kicks the can down the road — more spending, more deficits, more debt and less prosperity, inevitably, for our children.” The committee plans to approve the plan Thursday. The budget, for the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1, is a nonbinding blueprint that sets parameters of this year’s tax-and-spending debate. It is subject to approval by the House and Senate. House Democratic leaders have said they may skip the budget process this year because it would require politically unpopular votes.

    Don’t fool yourselves!

    Dems are already plotting ways to use reconciliation instructions if they are included in new budget

    It is deja vu all over again!

  62. blessedistruth Says:

    Freeper comments on lakin

  63. blessedistruth Says:

    Az birther bill

  64. blessedistruth Says:


    OK, so I have read a little, listened a little, and figured that the question of Obama’s citizenship and birth would never be answered, so why dive into it.

    But just now, I listened to Anderson Cooper on CNN (I know, I know, why am I watching PRAVDA?) blabber on and on in a very assertive, denunciatory tone to someone from Arizona over that state’s recent passage of a bill requiring presidential candidates to prove their citizenship.

    Cooper went on ad nauseum about how stupid anyone is who questions Obama, how the birth certificate has been PROVEN to be authentic, that the matter should be settled.

    But the adamancy in his voice bothered me.

    Why is he so exercised about it if that is really true?

    He’d be calm, or so I said to myself.

    Anyway, anybody else watch this?


    “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”

    (Sorry, I couldn’t help myself!)

  65. blessedistruth Says:

    New Thread:

    This ordinary woman

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