MH17 / B777 was shot down in a classic fighter jet attack from the rear semi-sphere.

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UPDATE: #MH17 Russian Union of Engineers rocket & cannon was used by armament of another aircraft NOT missile from the ground


George Bilt’s Letter On MH17 Crash Sent To The Russian Union of Engineers (Full Text) Posted by princepsip on

© “The Ukraine Collapse Magazine” November 15, 2014 Dear readers, finally I got a full text of George Bilt’s e-mail sent to Ivan Andrievsky, the first vice president of the very respectable Russian Union of Engineers that can prove Ukraine Air Forces responsibility for MH17 crash. Thus, to avoid any speculations I decided to publish its FULL version with an attached satellite shot also sent by George Bilt: On Sun, Nov 9, 2014 at 6:38 AM, George Bilt Dear Mr. Andrievsky, I fully agree with your attached analysis on what brought MH-17 down. I am an MIT graduate and expert in aviation with more than  two decades of professional experience. MH17 /B777 was shot down in a classic fighter jet attack from the rear semi-sphere. First, the crew was targeted by cannon fire and air-to-air missile from some optimum 400 meters (to silence them killing instantly — not even a scream) — aiming right and sharp at the pilots’ abdomen region. So that the cockpit fell off (confirmed both by the Dutch Safety Board report and eyewitnesses). Then the B777 aircraft right engine and wing section was shot off by a heat-seeking missile and the aircraft started to roll out of control (again confirmed by eyewitnesses). Until it crashed. First, killing the crew in cockpit, second, aerodynamically killing the aircraft shooting off the right engine. This is a classic fighter jet attack pattern. Thanks and Best Regards, George Bilt. This entry was posted in Новости, Россия, Украина, European Union, Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, MH17, Military, News, Politics, Russia, Ukraine, Ukraine Collapse, Ukrainian Nazis, United States, US Propaganda, World,World News and tagged , , , , , .

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18 Responses to “MH17 / B777 was shot down in a classic fighter jet attack from the rear semi-sphere.”

  1. blessedistruth Says:

    #MH17 shot down in classic fighter jet attack from the rear semi-sphere Don’t believe #Poroshenko propaganda #SaveDonbassPeople

    MH17 / B777 was shot down in a classic fighter jet attack from the rear semi-sphere.

  2. blessedistruth Says:

    #MH17 shot down in classic fighter jet attack from the rear semi-sphere Don’t believe #Poroshenko propaganda #maddow

    MH17 / B777 was shot down in a classic fighter jet attack from the rear semi-sphere.

  3. blessedistruth Says:

    Associated Press? Well then, it must be true. (sarc)

    #MH17 shot down in classic fighter jet attack from the rear semi-sphere Don’t believe #Poroshenko propaganda #maddow

    MH17 / B777 was shot down in a classic fighter jet attack from the rear semi-sphere.

    Glenn Beck has been pushing his anti-Putin rhetoric for some time now. Doesn’t he know his words matter? Well we’ll see, won’t we, we all have to meet our Maker someday.

  4. blessedistruth Says:

    #MH17 shot down in classic fighter jet attack from the rear semi-sphere Don’t believe #Poroshenko propaganda #maddow

  5. blessedistruth Says:

    #MH17 Russian Union of Engineers rocket & cannon was used by armament of another aircraft NOT missile from the ground

  6. blessedistruth Says:

    #MH17 Russian Union of Engineers rocket & cannon was used by armament of another aircraft NOT missile from the ground

    [Americans need to know that our govt is not above propaganda.]

  7. blessedistruth Says:

    Arizona organization protects ‘canned’ hunting

  8. blessedistruth Says:

    Campaign Against Canned Hunting / Global March for Lions

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    Campaign Against Canned Hunting 4 Lions

    1 of 2
    Campaign Against Canned Hunting 4 Lions

    2 of 2
    Campaign Against Canned Hunting 4 Lions

  10. blessedistruth Says:

    #eceti #ufos
    @ 1:36:30 Richard Alan Miller his 1 hr conversation w the ET Kril at Area 51
    Hat Tip:

  11. blessedistruth Says:

    @1:36:30 Richard Alan Miller 1 hr conversation w ET Kril Area 51
    Hat Tip:

  12. blessedistruth Says:

    “Early astronauts suffered until SR generators were installed in their spacecrafts”

  13. blessedistruth Says:

    Why did UN exclude #climatechange resulting from mil pgms?

  14. blessedistruth Says:

    Why did UN exclude #climatechange resulting from mil programs?

    Why did UN exclude #climatechange resulting from mil programs?

  15. blessedistruth Says:

    Michael Charles Tobias (a San Francisco native, born June 27, 1951) is a prolific author of fiction, non-fiction, and hybrid narrative; plays, poetry, essays, reviews, memorabilia, screenplays for film and television, biography, autobiography, and one lonely libretto.

    betaufo org

  16. blessedistruth Says:

  17. blessedistruth Says:

  18. blessedistruth Says:

    @MichaelDFleming Happy Birthday? I was looking 4 interview link broken link?

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